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ACTE is what it is today, thanks to all the people who, for more than 35 years, have contributed to its development, worked for it and been participating members.

1984 - Creation of ACTE

The Association des accidentés Cérébrovasculaires ou Traumatisés Crâniens de l’Estrie (ACTE) was founded on December 19, 1984 by three people: a stroke victim, a TBI victim and a healthcare professional.

In its early days, ACTE was a support network with no premises or staff.

The Association obtains its first grant and moves into its very first premises. At the time, the Association had about 30 members.
The Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Sherbrooke (IUGS) welcomed ACTE services on Belvédère Street. That same year, the Association hired a coordinator and a secretary. A community life developed and the Association’s journal was created.
ACTE held a regional symposium to raise awareness and provide information on issues related to TBI. Recommendations on human needs, financial issues, services and information were made. These recommendations were submitted to the Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Estrie in January 1994.
1994 - ACTE celebrated 10 years

For its 10th anniversary, ACTE organized more sustained promotional activities: conferences, videos, shows, theatre plays.

This was in addition to the regular activities offered in the mid-1990s: support networks, information activities, recreation, representation and advocacy.

The Day Activity Centre project began with a series of meetings with partners (ARLPPHE, CRE, Régie de la Santé et des Services sociaux, etc.) The primary goal was to maintain the progress made for people with CVA and TBI.
ACTE signed its first service agreement with the SAAQ. This agreement allowed, for example, development of the Association’s human resources. ACTE also consolidated its partnerships in the region.
The Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Estrie granted a non-recurring subsidy over two years to experiment with day activity programming for people with CVA and TBI in the Eastern Townships. ACTE was also actively involved in the start-up of two provincial groups:

  • The Regroupement des associations de personnes traumatisées craniocérébrales du Québec (RAPTCCQ)
  • The Regroupement des associations de personnes aphasiques du Québec (RAPAQ)
1999 - ACTE celebrated 15 years

On its 15th anniversary, ACTE organized a forum on the theme “La parole aux sans voix” (A voice for the voiceless) where 120 people took part in a day of exchanges and information. Also, to celebrate its 15 years, a team from the National Improvisation League faced a team of journalists from the region and ACTE members.
ACTE’s relocation to permanent premises remained one of the major issues for the following three years. ACTE moved its offices three times in three years and eventually became a tenant of the CRE on boulevard Jacques-Cartier Nord.

2004 - ACTE celebrated 20 years

During the 2000s, ACTE continued to:

  • Expand its regional and provincial reach;
  • Develop a program of activities to meet the needs of its members;
  • Maintain close ties with its partners.

As a result, more and more potential members were being referred. Those years brought their share of debates, questions, clashes of ideas and visions. The Association had to redefine the roles and responsibilities of each member at the heart of its organization and adopt policies and tools (human resources management), with a view to consolidating its management.

ACTE learned that it could no longer stay in its spacious but somewhat cool winter quarters on boulevard Jacques-Cartier Nord.
On May 1 of that year, ACTE moved into new premises in the east end of the city on rue Woodward.
2019 - ACTE celebrated 35 years

To celebrate its 35th anniversary, ACTE organized some activities that were out of the ordinary, such as:

  • An improv night that allowed members of ACTE’s improvisation workshop to compete with members of the l’Abordage improvisation league in Sherbrooke;
  • Conferences dedicated to members and the public.

ACTE extended its services to the regions by opening service points in Coaticook, Lac-Mégantic and Magog. The year ended with a big Christmas dinner for members.

2020 - Year of the pandemic

We cannot ignore that this year brought about a virtual shift in the provision of ACTE’s services, particularly with regard to certain activities. What does the future hold?
To be continued!

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