Occupational workshop
Regaining a sense of pride and belonging
After a CVA or TBI, the labour market can present new challenges that are sometimes difficult to overcome. In collaboration with CIUSSSE-CHUS, ACTE offers workshops that allow members to become actively involved in the community.
Recycling and sorting: aluminum can openers, bread ties and other items
- Pullers for aluminum cans
- Plastic bread ties
- Stamps
- Books and comics
- Keys
- Pencils, felt-tip pens and pens that no longer work
We are counting on support from the public, organizations and businesses in the region for our collection of materials.
More than an eco-friendly gesture, your donation of materiel is a social action that offers a rewarding job to local people.
Contact us to make your contribution

Assembling screening kits for newborns
in partnership with the CHUS
Thanks to the involvement of our members in the Programme québécois de dépistage néonatal urinaire de maladies métaboliques héréditaires (Québec’s program for neonatal urinary screening for hereditary metabolic diseases), more than twenty diseases or anomalies presenting risks of serious consequences on child development can be screened each year throughout the province.